Gehrlihcer Team

Our team

A team that inspires – achieving great things together!

Our tight-knit team comprises dedicated and experienced specialists who work closely together. Each person brings unique strengths and talents to the team.

At Gehrlicher Pharmazeutische Extrakte, we want you to feel that you’re in good hands. We communicate openly and transparently to keep you well informed and satisfied. We also attach great importance to energy-sustainable production, are actively committed to environmentally friendly processes and are certified for green electricity.

We are more than just a supplier to our customers – we are also a trusted partner to our employees.


A success story through the decades

Looking back, we’ve always seen steady growth as a pharmaceutical supplier. Step by step, we’ve expanded our production and laboratory facilities right here in Bavaria. Our expanded production capacities and unwavering commitment to quality have established us as a trusted partner for both large pharmaceutical companies and smaller manufacturers. This is reflected in our certifications and ongoing research.

Gehrlicher Extrakte was founded in Munich-Schwabing by Heinz Gehrlicher. Successful products at that time: Valerian drops and ginseng extracts.

The company, located in the heart of Munich, could no longer meet the growing demand for phytoextracts. Heinz Gehrlicher therefore established a new facility in Eurasburg, adhering to environmental regulations. Production of phytoextracts and phytopharmaceuticals then began in Eurasburg.

In 1989, the takeover by a family of pharmacists marked a significant turning point in the history of Gehrlicher. Already at the beginning of the strategic partnership with Harras Pharma Curarina GmbH, their entrepreneurial foresight laid the foundation for the combined expertise of both companies in the field of finished pharmaceuticals. This enabled Gehrlicher and Harras Pharma to combine their expertise in the development, manufacture and marketing of cosmetic and pharmaceutical products.

Over the years, the close cooperation between Gehrlicher and Harras Pharma has producted a series of successful products  marketed both nationally and internationally. Examples include Traumaplant® pain cream, Sucontral®, Sensicutan® and Glycowohl®.

Through ongoing development, Gehrlicher gained extensive expertise in producing special alcohol-free herbal extracts. Notably, thyme and ivy extracts are key ingredients in the children’s cough syrups of several well-known brands. The quality of our alcohol-free extracts is globally recognised and highly valued by consumers. Alcohol-free extracts are especially sought after in the Arab world.

As demand grew and production needs increased, expanding laboratory and production facilities became essential. At the same time, the groundwork for future GMP certification were laid by compartmentalising production areas and setting up a cleanroom area.

In 2009, the production site was expanded to include new extraction facilities and additional space for active ingredient processing.

Gehrlicher Pharmazeutische Extrakte GmbH received GMP certification for its active ingredients. A significant and important milestone was reached.

Gehrlicher celebrated its 50th anniversary. The company supplied customers in over 50 countries with more than 500 herbal formulations. This period also saw numerous publications and patents.

A new laboratory and production facility for tinctures was built to address the increasing demand for special herbal extracts in pharmaceutical quality.

Gehrlicher plans to further expand its market position and extend its product range through continuous innovation. The company aims to continue to grow with a strong focus on research and development and the exploration of new markets.  We aim to stay a leading supplier of herbal extracts and active pharmaceutical ingredients in the future.

Mitarbeiter an Extraktions-Anlage
Mitarbeiter an Extraktions-Anlage


Gehrlicher Pharma­­zeutische Ex­trakte GmbH

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